​Company policy in terms of Quality, Safety and Environment covers all aspects of our activities. Our core concerns are:
The health and safety of our collaborators, and
Customer satisfaction by applying a high level of quality and safety to both our products and our services.
This policy is applicable to the entire BEAUDREY organisation, in which all the collaborators share the following fundamental values:
We maintain partnership relations with our suppliers and service providers, taking into account their experience feedback to ensure the continuous improvement of our products and activities.
Our collaborators are competent and motivated; we strive to develop their potential with our project of mastering basic skills.
We allocate the resources required to ensure our teams are always at the height of their performance.
Its personnel are the fundamental richness of the BEAUDREY organisation.
Communication is the key to success and involving each collaborator is essential.
All parties need to associate with our QSE initiative.
By continually improving the efficiency of our management system and our performance in terms of quality, safety and environment, we aspire to excellence.
In order to meet the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 18001, we commit to:
Communicate and ensure all collaborators abide by this policy
Make this policy accessible to all parties involved
Provide the means and the resources required to attain our common objectives
Set an example so that our teams are always ready to give their best performance.
Management of aspects related to safety, quality and environment is an efficient tool which we integrate at all levels within the organisation. The voluntary adhesion of Company Management, its Managers and above all its collaborators is daily proof of the vitality and longevity of E. BEAUDREY et Cie.
Our priorities:
Our quality policy is clearly aimed at customer satisfaction with a view to developing sustainable partnerships.
To achieve this, we need to provide:
Competitive, high-quality products which integrate:
All our know-how and experience feedback
Customer requirements
Legal and legislative constraints
Services with a high-level of quality:
Reactiveness and adaptability of our teams
Maintaining a listening watch of our customers’ needs
We are involved in all types of jobs related to mechanical water-screening, be they small or large. We attach the same importance to small plants as we do to large stations; customers renew their confidence in BEAUDREY and the fact we are suppliers of important companies involved in nuclear, oil and gas, desalination, water treatment or irrigation projects, is the proof of the high level of quality we deploy.
Our priorities:
Protecting the environment is part of BEAUDREY’s fundamental values and a source of innovation.
Not only do we design efficient and reliable screening systems, but we also ensure they have no negative impact on the environment and aquatic ecosystems.
BEAUDREY must remain a driving force with its customers and offer innovative solutions which are a step ahead of the environmental legislation with which they must comply.
Research and development have led us to design screening equipment capable of meeting all types of environmental constraints, such as:
Travelling band screens are drinking-water certified in France (ACS) for potable water plants
Screening plants are adapted to machines are specifically developed to adapt existing plants (band screens, drum screens, Water Intake Protection systems (WIP), Submerged Water Intake Fish-Friendly screens (SWIFF), Scoop-a-Fish, Bio-flush trash rakes etc.
Condenser cleaning systems such as the “Zero Ball Loss” system (ZBL or ZBLR), ensure that no cleaning balls are discharged into the environment.
Our internal processes integrate the continuous improvement of our designs and analyse the impact of our machines on the environment. Most of their components are recyclable. Installing BEAUDREY screens can lower the carbon footprint of power plants, petrochemical and other industrial plants by improving productivity.
BEAUDREY acts on several levels:
We provide financial assistance to our personnel by financing day nurseries for babies and small children. The parents of each new-born child can benefit from day care at substantially lower costs.
We help integrate handicapped people into the world of employment. When customers require individual and personalized packaging of their spare parts, BEAUDREY subcontracts this activity to organisations which specifically employ handicapped people.
We help education by financing the Ecole Centrale de Paris.
We help research by financing the Institut Pasteur.
We do as much as we can, within the limits of our means, to help develop a better world.
In terms of safety:
A general company philosophy shared by management and staff
Everyone is responsible for endorsing safety
Safety is non-negotiable
The health and safety of our collaborators is of constant concern and a common factor to all company departments. It is an integral part of company strategy.
This strategy is applied in various ways to clients and subcontractor by each of our employees. BEAUDREY is in strict conformity with the laws and legislation applicable to our domain of activity and has a Health and Safety Policy which is far more stringent than the legal requirements of many of the countries in which we work.
We approach safety by:
Continuous evaluation and risk prevention with an objective of “Zero accidents and no professional illness”.
Taking into account changes in legal requirements
Designing our machines to take into account the safety constraints related to the various phases of production (manufacture, assembly, operation and maintenance).
BEAUDREY is active in approaching the risks related to site installation work and is creative in risk prevention with its clients:
Practicing emergency evacuation exercises prior to starting major installation activities with the collaboration of the appropriate specialists (see photos below).
Enforcing safety checks on water-isolation devices (stoplogs, valves, penstocks etc.).
Performing detailed risk analyses for each phase of activity.
Performing detailed analyses on health and safety risks related to domestic and foreign business trips, particularly in terms of geopolitical dangers.
To meet the company’s health and safety policy and ensure staff is an active partner in promoting this policy, BEAUDREY places particular emphasis on giving each member of personnel a training plan adapted to each function and its inherent risks.
Consequently, training programs for fire risks, electrical and mechanical risks, equipment handling, first aid, working at heights, Atex, specific nuclear environment risks, are set out for the people concerned thereby ensuring they can perform their roles in the safest possible conditions.
The photos below show an emergency evacuation exercise in a nuclear power plant from a BEAUDREY drum screen pit. The exercise was organised by BEAUDREY.